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Economic Justice for Residents and Families

  • Increase economic opportunity for all Santa Ana residents by ensuring that public and private projects directly benefit the local community with jobs that pay a living wage, have labor agreements and honor workers’ rights. 

  • Increasing job opportunities for youth and residents by implementing a reasonable local and out-of-Santa Ana ratio. And coordinate city programs with local businesses that prepare youth and residents with job opportunities and skill training. 

  • Ensuring the local cannabis economy prioritizes economic opportunity for communities of color impacted by the war on drugs. By facilitating an accessible process for residents to obtain business licenses and require cannabis business owners to hire locally.

Participatory Democracy & Governance in Local Government

  • Ensure financial responsibility and sustainability of the city with responsible oversight and implementation of Santa Ana’s Measure X and Cannabis tax. Prioritize investments to increase the quality of life of all of the city’s youth and residents. Not continuing to cater to the interests of big donors such as development and the police union. 

  • Develop a meaningful participatory process that outreaches to and engages Santa Ana residents in providing input and decision-making in the city’s budget. 

  • Oversee effective management of the city’s departments and personnel to better serve and address the needs of the community.

Invest in Youth Opportunities & Quality Education

  • Establish a youth fund and a city youth department with promised Measure X and Cannabis tax dollars that ensures all of Santa Ana’s young residents have access to job opportunities and holistic services and programs.

Safe & Vibrant City

  • Promote a safe Santa Ana by strengthening the civilian police oversight commission with subpoena powers to ensure financial responsibility and increase quality of life for all of Santa Ana neighborhoods.

  • Use of public lands for the benefit of the local community, such as the Willowick Golf Course that can be developed into a regional park with affordable housing.

Housing as a Human Right

  • Ensure Santa Ana’s residents and families can live in and afford their homes so they can remain and thrive in the city by protecting the rent and stabilization ordinance that addresses the root causes of housing affordability in the city. Cap rent increases to 3% or 80% of inflation once a year and implements strong just cause eviction protections for tenants.

  • Update the city’s affordable housing qualification threshold to increase support for residents, families and section 8 recipients.

  • The solution for homelessnes is homes. Santa Ana, all OC cities and county governments must invest resources to build supportive and low-income housing to solve the crisis. We must lead the way to champion a housing bond for all of Orange County. 

  • Investing in job and mental health programs, and social workers to support the growing homelesseness population in the city.

Upholding Civil & Human Rights of Immigrants and Refugees

  • Uphold California and Santa Ana’s Sanctuary policies that keep our communities safe and honors the dignity of immigrants and refugees. Maintain funding to the city’s universal representation program (immigrant legal defense fund) that ensures legal representation for immigrants, to end family separation and keep families and communities together.

  • Expand voting rights to all Santa Ana residents to participate in the democratic process through Non-Citizen Voting.

Cooperative Campaigns is a collective of local volunteer community members. It is not affiliated with any campaign or PAC, and is not an independent expenditure committee or PAC.

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